Tag: newsletter

Mile pathway newsletter – Coaching courses for health and social care leaders

As a health and social care manager, coaching can be used as a tool to promote both personal and professional development within your team. By adopting a coaching approach, managers can promote continuous learning and cultivate a supportive, growth-oriented environment where staff can improve their skills and ultimately provide higher quality care.
This newsletter shares some courses that you can complete to deepen your knowledge of the role of coaching principles and how these can be integrated into everyday management practices.

Please click here to access this week’s newsletter

MILE pathway newsletter – 24th June 2024

Training for medicine administration in care homes is crucial for resident safety, compliance with regulations, and mitigating risks associated with medication errors. This newsletter highlights courses and resources that aim to help you enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and overall quality of medicine administration in your service.

Please click here to access this week’s newsletter

Mile pathway newsletter  – 3rd June 2024

The UK population is ageing, with over 50% of UK adults expected to be 50 and over by 2035 (Office for Health Improvement & Disparities, 2022). As a manager in health and social care you will be keenly aware of the challenges that ageing presents. However, focusing on the more positive aspects of ageing rather than its limitations can help us cultivate an enriching environment where older adults are valued, respected and encouraged to flourish.

Please click here to access this week’s newsletter →

MILE pathway newsletter – 27th May 2024

The key topic for this week’s newsletter is Strengths-based leadership. Strengths-based leadership in health and social care focuses on identifying and leveraging the unique skills and abilities of individuals and teams to enhance service delivery and outcomes.

Please click here to access this week’s newsletter →

MILE pathway newsletter – 20th May 2024

Welcome to another update on ‘what’s new in adult social care’ showcasing some of the key courses and resources for social care leaders. If you have any feedback or requests for future newsletter topics please send them to our project lead Juliet Smith as we would love to hear from you!

Please click here to access this week’s newsletter →

Don’t forget you can also access all of our previous newsletters by clicking here →

MILE pathway newsletter – 6th May 2024

Welcome to another update on ‘what’s new in adult social care’ showcasing some of the key courses and resources for social care leaders. If you have any feedback or requests for future newsletter topics please send them to our project lead Juliet Smith as we would love to hear from you!

Please click here to access this week’s newsletter →

Don’t forget you can also access all of our previous newsletters by clicking here →

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