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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Resources
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Resources
Promoting equality, diversity and inclusion throughout social care
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Resources
Provider: NHS Leadership Academy South East
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More resources for Promoting equality, diversity and inclusion throughout social care
PDF Guide
Tools and s
distance learning
elearning module
distance learning, Fees,
An introduction to intercultural competence in the workplace
Throughout this online short course, you’ll look at your own experiences and case studies from em…
, Tools and s
Confident with difference
The ‘Confident with difference’ resource supports you to consider how well diversity is embraced …
e-Learning, Funded, Online,
Core Managers: Effective Allyship in Health and Care
On this four-week course from London’s Workforce Race strategy team and the NHS Leadership Acade…
e-Learning, Funded, Online,
Core Managers: Inclusive Leadership in Health and Care
The importance of inclusive leadership is increasingly understood and sought after across almost…
Fees, Online,
Core Managers: Inclusive Leadership in Health and Care
Develop inclusive and compassionate leadership skills to ensure diversity and equality in the he…
e-Learning, Funded, Online,
Core Managers: Inclusive Workplaces (Creating a Psychological Contract)
Developing and maintaining healthy psychological contracts can be difficult but it’s an essentia…
e-Learning, Funded, Online,
Core Managers: Increasing Disability Positivity
On this four-week course from NHS Leadership Academy, you’ll learn how to be disability positive…
e-Learning, Funded, Online,
Core Managers: Noticing and Challenging Microaggressions
On this four-week course from the London Race Strategy Team and the NHS Leadership Academy, you’…
e-Learning, Fees, Online,
CPD Accredited Introduction to Strengths-Based Approaches to Neurodiversity & Inclusion at Work
This introductory course explores the concept of neurodiversity and inclusion at work and how to…
Fees, Online,
CPD Accredited Level 3 Certificate Neurodiversity & Inclusion Train-the-Trainer
You will study Neurodiversity & Inclusion starting with an in-depth journey through Autism. …
elearning module,
Creating an inclusive organisation e-learning modules
The modules are primarily aimed at those from ethnic minority backgrounds as they’ve been designe…
Culturally appropriate care
This guidance (last updated in January 2024) provides key information on culturally appropr…
newsletter, Online,
Culturally appropriate care
In this newsletter we focus on culturally appropriate care—a vital element of health and social …
free, Online, PDF Guide,
Culturally appropriate care guide
This guide was developed to promote understanding and awareness of culturally appropriate care, …
free, Online, PDF Guide,
Dementia and diversity: A guide for leaders and managers
This resource has been developed with Department of Health funding. It’s main aim is toenable le…
free, Online,
Diverse by Design: a workbook for adult social care
This Diverse by Design for adult social care workbook sets out 15 elements that we believe are f…
Equality and diversity
Everyone should have an equal opportunity to access high quality care and support to meet their …
Fees, Online,
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in a Health and Social Care Environment (Distance Learning)
In today’s multicultural society it is important for all healthcare professionals to understand …
e-Learning, free, Online,
Exploring Neurodiversity in the Workplace
On this three-week course from Nottingham Business School, you’ll learn what it means to be neur…
free, PDF Guide,
How can leaders do better in their approach to neurodiversity?
Harnessing specialist training and taking every opportunity to learn about the lived experiences…
How to develop a neuroinclusive culture at work
This online guide explains the concept of a ‘neuroinclusive culture’, and the steps that can be …
Online, PDF Guide,
Inclusive Pathways to Employment: Unlocking the talent of neurodiverse individuals and people with learning disabilities in Sussex
This research has been undertaken as a key action within the LSIP Intelligence theme of the Futu…
free, Online, PDF Guide,
Intercultural dementia care: A guide for health and care workers
The aim of this guide is to help you, as a health and social care worker, to providedementia car…
e-Learning, free, Online,
LGBTQ+ Awareness in Care
The free, CPD-accredited e-learning course aims to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and c…
, Tools and s
LGBTQ+ learning framework
New learning framework for knowledge, skills and values for working affirmatively with LGBTQ+ peo…
free, Online, PDF Guide,
LGBTQ+ Learning Framework Toolkit
The free, CPD-accredited e-learning course aims to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and c…
Fees, Online,
LGBTQIA+ and Transitioning
Can you imagine growing up feeling uncomfortable in your own skin? Can you imagine not being acc…
e-Learning, Fees, Online,
Managing Neurodifferences in the Workplace
With as much as 20% of people experiencing neurodivergence, embracing these differences are esse…
e-Learning, free, Online,
Neurodiversity & Leadership
Welcome to the e-learning on Neurodiversity & Leadership, provided by Genius Within. Learn h…
Neurodiversity At Work Awareness
By the end of the course participants should gain a thorough overview of the neurodiverse profil…
Neurodiversity guidance for managers
This guidance is for managers in the health sector to support those they manage who are neurodiv…
newsletter, Online,
Neurodiversity in the workplace
In health and social care, where collaboration, empathy, and understanding are essential for del…
Neuroinclusion at work
This guide is for people professionals and leaders across functions who want to learn more about…
Older LGBTQ+ people in residential care
Health and wellbeing At least 1.5 million people in the UK identify as LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, …
Online, PDF Guide,
Recruiting & Retaining a Diverse Workforce
This report is intended as a review of current EDI activity in the LSIP Sussex geography, as wel…
e-Learning, Fees, Online,
Religion & Belief Discrimination Course
This religion and belief discrimination course will give an overview of key issues regarding equ…
PDF Guide,
Supporting a diverse workforce
Demonstrating equality, diversity and inclusivity in the workplace has many benefits to your orga…
free, Online, PDF Guide,
Working with LGBTQ+ People in Palliative and End-of-life Care
This resource includes the diverse voices of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/…
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