LGBTQ+ resource for care homes

LGBTQ+ resource for care homes

Would you like to contribute to a resource for care homes on LGBTQ+ inclusion in care? 

If so, the CIRCLE project is looking for five care home staff (working in any role) who would be available for up to six two-hour long online meetings between October and March 2024.

The CIRCLE (Creating Inclusive Residential Care for LGBTQ+ Elders) project is led by Dr Jolie Keemink, a research fellow from the University of Kent. 

She said: “We want to co-design a free resource with older LGBTQ+ people and care homes; something that provides easy, actionable steps to support care homes to think about LGBTQ+ inclusion in care and take some initial steps towards improvement.”

Care staff who take part will receive a ‘thank you’ Love2shop (or similar) voucher from the research team.

For more information or to express an interest in being part of the project, please email Jolie on [email protected]

More resources for inclusion

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