Person centred care as a priority in services

Person centred care as a priority in services

Defining your role as the registered manager in embedding person-centred and outcome-based practice in your service.

Resources for Person centred care as a priority in services

Caring for people at the end of life

Provider: Care Management Matters

June 6, 2023

This episode of CMM OFF THE PAGE explores how to achieve excellence in end of life care and discusses the importance of choice for people living in a care setting at the end of their life. Podcast co-host Nadra Ahmed CBE, Executive Chairman at The National Care Association, highlights how care homes should consider cultural needs and Paula Plaskow, End of Life and Palliative Care Lead at Jewish Care, recalls how the organisation has gone above and beyond to create lasting memories for families and for people at the end of life. Podcast speaker Claire Towns, Chief Executive of Mary Stevens Hospice, shares strategies on how to support the workforce when dealing with a bereavement and Claire Henry MBE, a consultant in end of life care, offers her recommended resources and training to help providers with their continued professional development.

Enhanced health in care homes

Enhanced Health in Care Homes (EHCH) is a national framework and a NHS programme that is centred on the needs of individuals living in a care home setting.

A key component of the programme is that care homes receive support from their local multi-disciplinary team (MDT) of health and social care professionals.

Members of the MDT can:

  • make home rounds
  • undertake health reviews to help maintain personalised care and support plans
  • offer training and development for staff
  • deliver shared decision-making medication reviews
  • support care homes around managing medicines

More information:

NHS: enhanced health in care homes programme

Sussex Digital team

or contact [email protected] for a print or digital copy of a poster outlining the work of the Sussex Health & Care Enhanced Health in Care Homes programme.

Medicines optimisation for care homes (MOCH)

Could you or your care home team benefit from training on ‘self care and homely remedies’? This free online training is for care home staff who manage and administer medication.

The session will cover:

  • self-care medications
  • homely remedy medications
  • personal care medications/items

Participants will be given resources which can be adapted to suit the individual needs of their care home.

The training is being offered by the Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust Medicines Optimisation in Care Homes (MOCH) team.

It takes place on the first Tuesday of the month, starting at 2:30pm, running from July through to December, and you don’t need to book in advance. 

Join the meeting

Person Centred Values

Provider: Brighton & Hove City Council

This half-day course is designed to help support new care workers commencing their induction and working towards the Care Certificate. The course is funded for adult social care staff working for Brighton and Hove City Council, and staff working in adult social care provider services that contract with Brighton and Hove City Council.

Learning outcomes
By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Explain what the Care Certificate is
  • Explain how your previous experiences, attitudes and beliefs may affect the way you work
  • Define duty of care as it relates to your role, responsibilities and partnership when maintaining practice standards, code of conduct and agreed ways of working
  • List and describe how to put person centred values into practice and promote them in your day to day work
  • Recognise the importance of communication and confidentiality
  • Complete a personal development plan.

Priorities for care of the dying person: learning path for social care managers

Provider: ELFH

Description: One Chance to Get It Right’ (The Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People (June 2014) set out the approach to caring for dying people in the last few days and hours of life identifying five Priorities for Care.

This learning path identifies core and additional recommended e-learning sessions for managers in social care to enhance the quality of care for patients in the last days of life and support for their families. We have defined sessions which contain core content to support what managers in social care need to know and do to provide good care for people who are dying. The sessions that the individual manager needs to complete depends on how competent they are already with this area of practice.

Self esteem, older people and wellbeing

Provider: Brighton & Hove City Council

This one-day course explores the concept of self esteem and draws on thinking in psychology to look in depth at what self esteem might consist of. It goes on to explore the impact of ageing on self esteem and things that are important to consider when working with older people. The course also draws on participative research with older people into what contributes to or detracts from wellbeing, and focuses on how relationships and good practice can make a big contribution to enhancing self esteem and wellbeing in later life.

The course is funded for adult social care staff working for Brighton and Hove City Council, and staff working in adult social care provider services that contract with Brighton and Hove City Council.

Supporting people to live healthier lives

Provider: MILE

Ensuring the people we support can live healthier, more independent lives is at the heart of great care. It’s about more than meeting immediate needs—it’s about empowering individuals to take control of their health and wellbeing, making choices that enhance their quality of life now and in the future.
In this issue, we explore how care home teams can support better health outcomes. From promoting physical activity to having positive conversations about making healthier choices, small changes can make a big difference. When staff really understand residents’ individual needs and preferences, they can provide truly person-centred care that not only supports day-to-day wellbeing but also helps reduce their future needs for care and support.

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