Leading to develop your team

Leading to develop your team

Providing access to quality learning and development opportunities will help your team keep up to date with best practice and provide excellent care and support. Creating a culture of learning and development in the workplace also helps staff to feel motivated and energised in the work they do and identify a career path with opportunities to grow.

Resources for Leading to develop your team

An Introduction to Induction, Supervision and Performance Development Plans / Appraisals for Supervisors

Provider: Brighton and Hove City Council Learning Zone

This course is for managers/supervisors in adult social care services that are required to induct new staff and would like to learn more about inducting new staff effectively.  This course is for those who are currently supervising or new to supervising and would like to know more about how supervision works in practice.

Funded for Adult Social Care Staff in Brighton and Hove

sign up at https://learning.brighton-hove.gov.uk/login/index.php

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