Promoting equality, diversity and inclusion throughout social care

Promoting equality, diversity and inclusion throughout social care

The importance of promoting practice that champions diversity, equality and inclusion.

Resources for Promoting equality, diversity and inclusion throughout social care

LGBTQIA+ and Transitioning

Provider: Care Business Associate Training

Can you imagine growing up feeling uncomfortable in your own skin? Can you imagine not being accepted by family, friends and society because you don’t quite fit in with everyone’s stereotypes/ideals?

If you can imagine all that, then imagine what an impact you can make to someone by having more awareness of LBGTQIA+ and being able to understand the challenges people face on a daily basis. Imagine a world where you are accepted as you are – no judgement, no preconceptions – YOU can be part of the change.

By attending this course you will gain an in depth understanding of gender, sexual identity, sexual orientation, and different terminologies. LGBTQIA+ and Transitioning Training isn’t just important in the workplace, or for the people you support at work, it is essential knowledge for everyone in order for us to live in an inclusive society where people are comfortable in their own skin.

Our team of professional trainers can either deliver our LGBTQIA+ and Transitioning Training face-to-face or online in a virtual classroom. Our online training sessions use Zoom video software and advanced online classroom technology to ensure that they are as engaging and interactive as our in-person sessions.

Medicines optimisation for care homes (MOCH)

Could you or your care home team benefit from training on ‘self care and homely remedies’? This free online training is for care home staff who manage and administer medication.

The session will cover:

  • self-care medications
  • homely remedy medications
  • personal care medications/items

Participants will be given resources which can be adapted to suit the individual needs of their care home.

The training is being offered by the Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust Medicines Optimisation in Care Homes (MOCH) team.

It takes place on the first Tuesday of the month, starting at 2:30pm, running from July through to December, and you don’t need to book in advance. 

Join the meeting

Older LGBTQ+ people in residential care

Health and wellbeing

At least 1.5 million people in the UK identify as LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, plus).

The research team has set up an online Community of Practice that will meet quarterly, open to care providers, care commissioners, LGBTQ+ people, and other relevant stakeholders to create a safe space to discuss and promote LGBTQ+ inclusion in care. 

The first meeting is on 25 May from 2:00pm to 3:00pm

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