Medication Errors – learning from errors to reduce harm
This course from The Medication Training Company aims to teach health and social care professionals how manage, report and learn from medication incidents. The course will run online via Zoom on 17th December 2024, 21st January 2025, and 5th February 2025 between 09:30am – 13:00pm.
Learning outcomes:
- Understand why it’s best to focus on harm reduction rather than trying to reduce medication errors
- See errors as opportunities to learn (OTLs)
- See how some of the world’s safest care providers achieved a reduction in harm from errors
- Create a reporting system to ensure the whole organisation learns from incidents
- Outline what an ‘outstanding’ incident reporting system looks like to CQC (KLOE S6)
- Explain which medication incidents need reporting to Safeguarding and CQC
- Use the Incident Decision Tree to understand when staff need support vs intervention
- And more…