As a caring, proactive leader you should communicate the function and importance of risk management and work with your team to enhance their skills and competencies in this area. . Effective teams discuss potential risks and proactively think about how they support the best outcomes while enabling people to live the most fulfilling and independent lives possible. Least restrictive practices and promoting freedom is a goal for every leader in social care to champion the values and behaviours that the very foundations of outstanding care sit on.
This training has been produced in line with the revised 2018 Sussex Safeguarding
Adults Policy and Procedures.
The Policy sets out the approach taken to adult safeguarding across Sussex. The
Procedures explain how agencies and individuals should work together to put the
Sussex Safeguarding Adults Policy into practice.
The Procedures represent the standards for good practice in adult safeguarding
in Sussex and have been endorsed by Brighton & Hove, East Sussex, and West
Sussex Safeguarding Adults Boards.
The procedures represent the standards for good practice in adult safeguarding in Sussex and have been endorsed by Brighton & Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board
Enhanced Leadership Pathway
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