Improving services by reviewing, evaluating and identifying areas for change

Improving services by reviewing, evaluating and identifying areas for change

The most effective leaders recognise contexts for change and opportunities for service improvements. They make their decisions on their values and understand the importance of evaluating and reviewing any changes or decisions made, always maintaining transparency and accountability for these decisions.  Effective leaders help their teams to negotiate change, to manage incidents and to learn from these. They provide information that is clear, meaningful and clearly outlines the shared vision for the service.

Resources for Improving services by reviewing, evaluating and identifying areas for change


Provider: Education for health

The Leadership for Quality Improvement in Long Term Conditions Level 7 module has been designed to further the student’s leadership skills by demonstrating personal qualities such as self-awareness, managing self and others, reflective practice, influencing skills and overcoming difficult situations. During the module, students will advance their knowledge and understanding of collaborative working and care integration; developing networks, benefits and challenges, working with teams, facilitation skills and stages of team development.

Within the module students will consider managing services including planning, implementing policy, patient and carer involvement and empowerment to self-manage, service redesign, ‘lean’ methodology, value stream mapping and managing risk.

In addition, students will study managing people, leading service improvement and setting direction, this will encompass building and nurturing an improvement culture, reflective practice, national/local patient safety policies, quality improvement methodology, learning from adverse events, identifying contexts for change, health policy and evaluation and sustainability and spread of change.

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