Planning ahead as a leader

Planning ahead as a leader

Most leaders understand the importance of planning and where there is a robust plan goals and improvements can be monitored and achieved. Support in this area includes succession planning for leaders with a focus on identifying and growing talent to fill leadership positions in the future.

Resources for Planning ahead as a leader

Developing new managers and deputies guide

Provider: Skills for Care

With 10,000 registered managers due to retire in the next 15 years, succession planning is key to ensuring that your service continues to provide well-led, consistent quality care, both today and in the future. 

When a registered manager leaves their post and there’s no back-up plan, a lack of stability or continuity will impact the quality of care. Creating a pipeline of new managers is crucial and something that all care providers should be doing. Identifying talent and understanding what learning opportunities are available to prepare your aspiring managers to become a deputy, care or registered manager.

This guide includes practical examples and checklists. It’s based on what we’ve learned through our work with aspiring managers and the programmes that have supported them to develop.

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