Leading for enhanced wellbeing in the workplace

Leading for enhanced wellbeing in the workplace

Leaders in social care have an obligation to promote employee health and wellbeing. They should prioritise this by  supporting their staff team to be healthier and happier at work which will then benefit the people they care for. Healthier, happier employees will be more productive and more likely to stay in the job. Leaders can facilitate this by creating a caring workplace culture, implementing policies that support employee health, and providing resources for employees to access. A leader should also model the highest standards of self-care to ensure that the importance of this permeates throughout the service.

Resources for Leading for enhanced wellbeing in the workplace

Domestic abuse and sexual violence

Provider: East Sussex County Council

If you are a worker or volunteer in the area of domestic abuse, sexual violence or violence against women and girls (VAWG), the team at East Sussex has issued a training prospectus for 2023-24 which has a range of courses you may be interested in.

The training is provided by various partners, including the Safeguarding Children’s Partnership and the commissioned domestic abuse service, CGL.

The prospectus has course details (online and face to face), booking details, and costs if applicable. Course links will provide more detail around the course content, audience, and duration.


Provider: Education for Health

During the series of three Finding the Leader Within online masterclasses, we will help you find your own level of leadership resilience and build on it, enabling you to bounce back from adversity more easily. You will discover how to manage your internal dialogue to support rather than hinder you, explore being adaptive and authentic, and consider how to lead from within.
Each session is designed to help you to thrive and grow as a leader. Whether you are new to leadership or have been leading for some time, there is something for you.

Do you know:

  • The type of leader you are or could be?
  • How to tap into your leadership skills and abilities?
  • How to build your resilience?
  • How resilient you already are?
  • How can you access the skills of resilience and bounce back?
  • How you can get more done and remain productive?
  • How to maintain a healthy life balance?
  • How to be authentic, communicate with authority and empathy?

If one or more of your answers to the above is no, come and join Dr Linda Edwards and Simon Phillips for three action packed masterclasses to discover the leader you truly are.

Leadership is about listening (to yourself and others), making clear decisions, taking action appropriately while looking after yourself. Each session is designed to help you to thrive and grow as a leader. Whether you are new to leadership or have been leading for some time, there is something for you. 

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