Informing leadership in health and care

Informing leadership in health and care

Legislation, policies and procedures in health and social care are essential to protect the people you provide care and support for and to ensure your staff team are working safely and in accordance with best practice, regulations and the law. Compared to other sectors this information is extensive and as the complexity of care or support increases so does the  amount of legislation and numbers of policies and procedures too. As a manager of services and leader in the system it is essential that you have an up to date and working knowledge and understanding of the legislation, policies and procedures that keep social care and everyone in it safe and well. 

Resources for Informing leadership in health and care

Caring for people at the end of life

Provider: Care Management Matters

June 6, 2023

This episode of CMM OFF THE PAGE explores how to achieve excellence in end of life care and discusses the importance of choice for people living in a care setting at the end of their life. Podcast co-host Nadra Ahmed CBE, Executive Chairman at The National Care Association, highlights how care homes should consider cultural needs and Paula Plaskow, End of Life and Palliative Care Lead at Jewish Care, recalls how the organisation has gone above and beyond to create lasting memories for families and for people at the end of life. Podcast speaker Claire Towns, Chief Executive of Mary Stevens Hospice, shares strategies on how to support the workforce when dealing with a bereavement and Claire Henry MBE, a consultant in end of life care, offers her recommended resources and training to help providers with their continued professional development.

How care providers can excel in leadership – Care Management Matters

Provider: Care Management Matters
Why good leadership is crucial to creating the right culture in a care setting
 In this month’s podcast episode, co-host Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, explains the difference between leadership and management and highlights why it’s essential that every member of the workforce has a clear vision to work to. Podcast guest Kathryn Smith, Chief Executive of The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), shares her opinion on the role of leadership with regard to retaining good staff and explains how effective leadership can bolster the care workforce. 

Shaping the future of care for older people

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Moves into and between care provision and settings are significant life events for many older people, which can affect the well-being of both the person and their family carers.

East Sussex County Council, University of Kent, University College London and partners, including many care and support-experienced older people and their carers have worked together on a co-production project to consider how best to support older people through life changes. This is called ‘Better Care Moves for Older People’.

They are offering a webinar to talk about their research, showcase initial findings and engage participants in discussions around how to use their toolkit and perhaps how to get involved in future research projects.

So, if you would you like to be a part of the development of evidence-informed practice and hear about social care practitioners’ involvement in adult social care research, the webinar is on 21 September and runs from 2:00pm to 3:30pm

Book your place on Eventbrite

Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to the development of evidence-informed practice and hear inspiring stories about social care practitioners’ involvement in adult social care research. Join us for an engaging and informative webinar that will shape the future of care for older people.

Agenda for the event:

  • Welcome & housekeeping (Ann-Marie Towers, Professor of Social Care, University of Kent)
  • Why research collaboration matters in adult social care & Why research capacity building is important for adult social care workforce? (Sharon Leaver, Principal Social Worker, Adult Social Care Department, East Sussex County Council)
  • “Better Care Moves for Older People”: using research findings in practice (Wenjing Zhang, Research Fellow, University of Kent)
  • Experiences and reflections of a practitioner researcher (Julia Greig, Service Delivery Manager, Adult Social Care, East Sussex County Council)
  • Discussions
  • Next steps & other opportunities (Ann-Marie Towers)

Stop, Look, Care

Provider: NHS Sussex

Trauma informed language guidance

This document is to be considered as
guidance which supports conversations about language. It is not exhaustive by any means. It is a tool,
a thinking place, an opened door into moving towards trauma informed settings, services
and systems. It is an invitation to develop deeper awareness around stigmatisation,
understanding that when we change the language, we change how we see the world.

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