Mile Pathway

Welcome to  the MILE PATHWAY (Managers Investing in Leadership Excellence) a management and leadership CPD project for our Registered Managers in Sussex.

MILE prioritises the management and leadership CPD of Registered Managers in Sussex, advocates for social care and supports its partnership in the ICS.

Managing person centred practice in social care Managing person centred practice in social care

The MILE Pathway, prioritising the Continuing Professional Development of Registered Managers in Sussex

The project champions the role of our Registered Managers in Adult Social Care and highlights the importance of developing management and leadership skills both for individual professional development and to support the best health and care outcomes across the integrated care system.

‘Excellent leaders are needed at every level across social care. As well as ensuring high quality, safe and effective care services, they also help develop a motivated, confident and caring workforce that is both highly skilled and most importantly, valued by all those who draw on care and support’

Skills for Care​

What the MILE Pathway offers

The MILE Pathway offers over 650 of the most current, relevant and engaging management and leadership CPD opportunities available to registered managers including those from our three local authorities, the NHS and Skills for Care.

Presenting these online in an accessible & appealing way so that managers can select opportunities relevant to them and create their own personalised development pathway.

This is supplemented with access to 1.2.1 or group CPD sessions to support managers to make informed decisions about the best CPD choices for themselves and their service.

Providing opportunities for managers to gain knowledge and skills to enhance personal practice aswell as the quality of support offfered in services. This enables managers to lead by example thereby creating a culture of learning across health and care. 

Explore Resources

  • Management Development Pathway

    A registered manager sits at the heart of every regulated social care setting, embedding the values and culture that drives their service. Sussex has over 1000 regulated adult social care services…
  • Leadership Development Pathway

    Registered managers are valuable leaders in health and care. But strong leadership doesn’t just happen. Managers develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to be a leader in health and care thro…
  • Enhanced Leadership Pathway

    The opportunities in the Enhanced Leadership Pathway will enable managers to develop further in specialist leadership areas of interest creating a skilled community of practice offering inspired l…

Latest resources

Mental Capacity Act (MCA) Directory

Social Care Institute for Excellence
This online catalogue collates key information and tools to aid the implementation of the Mental…

GO Online Inspection Toolkit: Consent to care and treatment

Skills for Care
The Inspection Toolkit offers guidance and resources on key areas of CQC inspection, with this s…

Decision-making and mental capacity implementation resource

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
This implementation tool supports professionals in applying the NICE guideline [NG108] by bringi…

Local Government Association

Promoting less restrictive practice: reducing restrictions tool for practitioners
This tool helps practitioners identify restrictions in a person’s care. By highlighting restrict…

Mental Capacity Toolkit

Bournemouth University
This resource gathers insights from experts in mental capacity to provide a comprehensive guide …

Unlocking Best Practices: Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) and the Mental Capacity Act (MCA)

The Care Provider Alliance
This three-part webinar series, recorded in 2024, features expert panelists discussing key aspec…

Mental Capacity ‘Shedinars’

Alex Ruck Keene
Alex Ruck Keene is a barrister, writer, and educator who has practiced at 39 Essex Chambers in L…

Understanding the Metal Capacity Act

This newsletter focuses on the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (…

Strong and effective Leadership in Social Care is instrumental in the ensuring the best outcomes for the people we support:

‘High-quality care and skilled, confident leaders and managers go hand in hand. Over 90% of services rated good or outstanding for being well-led by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) were also rated good or outstanding overall.’ 

Skills for Care​

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